Structural re-evaluation of the neurosecretory system in the crayfish eyestalk

Summary The topography of the neurosecretory system in the decapod eyestalk has not been precisely delineated with light microscopy. Cobalt iontophoresis and electron microscopy have proved useful in clarifying the microstructure of this system. The sinus gland (sg) of the crayfish eyestalk consists of aggregated axon terminals which end at or near the blood space, lontophoresing cobalt back through the cut base of the sinus glands reveals proximal cell bodies in the eyestalk only in the X organ (Xo) region. Electron microscopy demonstrates that axons from about 115 neurosecretory cell bodies in the Xo form the Xo-sg tract. Intermingled with these Xo somata are smaller non-neurosecretory cell bodies which do not send axons into the sinus gland. One of these exhibits catecholamine fluorescence. Backfilling also reveals a second group of fibres which run from the brain along the optic tract and into the sinus gland. These brain-sg fibres are smaller in diameter than Xo-sg axons and lack neurosecretory vesicles. From these fibres collaterals extend into the eyestalk neuropil, especially in the proximity of the visual elements. The possible function of these non-neurosecretory processes within the sinus gland is discussed.