CCl2F2 mixing ratio profiles in the 1995 late winter Arctic vortex from balloon‐borne spectra

The vertical profile of CCl2F2 has been retrieved in the altitude range 15 to 22 km from solar occultation spectra recorded with a balloon‐borne Fourier transform spectrometer (0.013 cm−1 resolution) launched on 22 March 1995 from Kiruna (Sweden, 67°N, 22°E). The choices of the grid of retrieval altitudes, of the spectral range, and of the absorption cross‐section data used for the retrievals are studied carefully. The vertical distribution obtained is characteristic of conditions pertaining to the late winter Arctic vortex. The measured mixing ratio profile of CCl2F2 is discussed in connection with the N2O profile also retrieved with the same instrument. These remote sensing measurements of CCl2F2 are compared with in situ results obtained from the same location and during the same period with balloon‐borne grab or cryosamplers. These data are analyzed in terms of diabatic descent in the polar vortex.