A horseradish peroxidase study of afferent connections of the globus pallidus in Macaca mulatta

The high tonic discharge rates of globus pallidus neurons in awake monkeys suggest that these neurons may receive some potent excitatory input. Because most current electrophysiological evidence suggests that the major described pallidal afferent systems from the neostriatum are primarily inhibitory, we used retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) to identify possible additional sources of pallidal afferent fibers. The appropriate location was determined before HRP injection by mapping the characteristic high frequency discharge of single pallidal units in awake animals. In animals with injections confined to the internal pallidal segment, retrograde label was seen in neurons of the pedunculopontine nucleus, dorsal raphe nucleus, substantia nigra, caudate, putamen, subthalamic nucleus, parafascicular nucleus, zona incerta, medial and lateral subthalamic tegmentum, parabrachial nuclei, and locus coeruleus. An injection involving the external pallidal segment and the putamen as well resulted in additional labeling of cells in centromedian nucleus, pulvinar, and the ventromedial thalamus.