The spermatozoon of Cucumaria pseudocurata is unique among those of the echinoderms in that it is tabloid in shape, i.e., elongated and dorsoventrally compressed. The sperm consists of a dorsal surface which contains an extensive striated rootlet‐like structure located within a dorsal groove and a ventral surface which contains a medially situated acrosome. A single mitochondrion lies at the base of the nucleus. The flagellum is unusual in that a 9 + 3 tubular arrangement is observed in the mid‐tail region.The acrosome consists of an acrosomal granule bounded by a limiting membrane and a surrounding periacrosomal layer. The granule is irregular in shape with the anterior‐posterior surfaces flaring out, forming pockets in the periacrosomal material. The ventral granule surface bulges forming a close association with the plasma membrane. The dorsal surface is indented. Ventral to the depression (within the granule) is a small area containing a particulate‐fibrous material. To the inside of the granule limiting membrane there is a second membrane‐like structure (incomplete) which extends from the anterior‐posterior surfaces around the dorsal face of the granule. Dorso‐medial to the granule the periacrosomal layer contains a particulate‐fibrous region lodged within the granule depression. This material is presumably the precursor of the acrosomal filament.Prominent cytoplasmic folds extend off from the basal flagellar region. The proximal and distal centrioles are situated perpendicular to one another within the mitochondrion. Centriolar satellite materials are associated with both centrioles. Toward the base of the tail the satellite of the distal centriole consists of nine radiating arms extending at an angle of 45° to the axis of the centriole. Each arm terminates in a dense thickening. The striated rootlet extends anteriorly from the distal centriole to just below the level of the acrosome.