ESR study of paramagnetic centers in irradiated Ba(ClO3)2 · H2O · and Ba(ClO3)2 · D2O single crystals

ESR study of γ‐irradiated Ba(ClO3)2 · H2O revealed three main centers which are identified as O3 , ClO2, and (ClO2–H2O) radicals, trapped at two distinct sites. The parameters of the spin Hamiltonian have been determined from single crystal and powdered samples. The principal values for O3 and ClO2 centers agree with those reported in other systems. The chlorine center having ``superhyperfine'' interaction with the two protons of water of crystallization has been identified as a (ClO2–H2O) radical. The principal values of the g tensor are gxx=2.0023, gyy=2.0065, and gzz=2.0150; those of the A tensor are axx=102.11, ayy=53.22, and azz=7.79 G. The parameters of the hyperfine coupling of 35Cl with the first proton are axx=8.6, ayy =5.0, and azz=5.0 G, with aiso=6.2 G, and those for the second proton are axx=2.5, ayy=1.2, and azz=1.2 G. The (ClO2–H2O) center is found to be bleached at temperatures (above 120°C), where the crystal loses its water of hydration. On exposing the irradiated crystal to uv light, the two chlorine centers ClO2 and (ClO2–H2O) are fully bleached, followed by an increase in the concentration of the O3 center.