Strange-Particle Production inπpInteractions from 1.5 to 4.2BeVc. II. Two-Body Final States

The reactions πpΛK0,Σ0K0, and ΣK+ in the 1.5- to 4.2-BeVc momentum range were studied in the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory's 72-in. hydrogen bubble chamber. The total cross sections for the three reactions decrease as Ec.m.3.6, Ec.m.3.3, and Ec.m.9.3, respectively. The differential cross sections are presented at 11 beam momenta. A peripheral peak is the dominant feature of the reactions πpΛK0 and Σ0K0, for which K* exchange is allowed, but no such peaking is seen in πpΣK+. An exponential fit to the momentum-transfer distributions in the peripheral region yields slope parameters in the 6- to 10(BeVc)2 range. The differential cross sections for πpΛK0 and ΣK+ show peaking for forward production of hyperons in the c.m. system, to which baryon exchange is expected to contribute. The angular distribution of the Λ polarization in πpΛK0 is presented.