Global matching criterion and color segmentation based stereo

In this paper, we present a new analysis by synthesis computational framework for stereo vision. It is designed to achieve the following goals: (1) enforcing global visibility constraints, (2) obtaining reliable depth for depth boundaries and thin structures, (3) obtaining correct depth for textureless regions, and (4) hypothesizing correct depth for unmatched regions. The framework employs depth and visibility based rendering within a global matching criterion to compute depth in contrast with approaches that rely on local matching measures and relaxation. A color segmentation based depth representation guarantees smoothness in textureless regions. Hypothesizing depth from neighboring segments enables propagation of correct depth and produces reasonable depth values for unmatched region. A practical algorithm that integrates all these aspects is presented in this paper. Comparative experimental results are shown for real images. Results on new view rendering based on a single stereo pair are also demonstrated.

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