IN HIS MONOGRAPH Karpe1 has indicated a possible alteration in the electroretinographic response in cases of hypertensive retinopathy. In one case, showing narrowing of the arteries with retinal exudates, he found a subnormal response, whereas in another, showing slight hypertensive vascular alterations, the ERG recorded was normal. The same results have been reported by Euzière, Passouant, and Cazaban,2 who found a normal ERG in retinal sclerosis, but a pathologic ERG in more advanced stages. Regarding the ERG as a prognostic sign in cases of hypertensive retinopathy, these authors say: Mais nous ne serions pas étonnés si ce mode d'examen permettait d'apporter un nouvel élément de prognostic dans le rétinopathie hypertensive. Dollfus and Chavignac3 studied nine cases of hypertensive retinopathy. They state: On est frappé de constater que l'ERG de ces malades ne présente pas d'altérations graves et qu'au contraire l'onde b est presque toujours d'une amplitude maximale