Biliary carcinoma associated with biliary cysts

The 24th reported case of biliary carcinoma associated with biliary cyst is reported and the previously reported cases are reviewed. Analysis of the 24 cases in which carcinoma developed shows that stones were present in the cyst in 25% of cases. The most common cell type was adenocarcinoma (70%) and the most common site for tumor was in the posterior cyst wall (57%). One half of the patients reported developed carcinoma a mean of 4 years following an internal drainage procedure for biliary cystic disease. Of the reported cases of biliary cysts associated with cystlithiasis, one-third had associated biliary carcinoma. It is suggested that excisional therapy be performed when possible in all patients with biliary cystic disease, and in particular, in those with associated cystlithiasis. Cancer 40:880–883, 1977.