Use of the Brown-Roberts-Wells Stereotactic Frame for Functional Neurosurgery

The Brown-Roberts-Wells (BRW) stereotactic unit has proven itself to be a highly accurate instrument for biopsying or locating pathologic intracranial lesions based on CT scan information. We utilized the BRW frame to select 18 target sites in 12 patients undergoing functional stereotactic procedures. Two patients had bilateral cingulumotomies, 5 had thalamotomies for movement disorders, and 5 underwent electrode implantations for the treatment of chronic pain. Stereotactic frame settings were determined using a positive contrast ventriculogram, orthogonal radiographs, and a computer program provided with the BRW system. In addition, attempts were made to select targets based on CT scan landmarks alone, and these were compared to those derived using ventriculography.We found the BRW frame to be a satisfactory device for performing functional neurosurgical procedures based on ventriculographic landmarks. Coordinates derived from CT scans were similar to those obtained with ventriculography, but were not accurate enough to permit the use of CT scanning as the sole means of target identification. Although future improvements in imaging techniques and computer software are likely to occur, our experience supports ventriculography as the current method of choice for the precise localizafion of functional targets with the BRW stereotactic system.

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