Oxygen isotope ratios of PO 4 : An inorganic indicator of enzymatic activity and P metabolism and a new biomarker in the search for life

The distinctive relations between biological activity and isotopic effect recorded in biomarkers (e.g., carbon and sulfur isotope ratios) have allowed scientists to suggest that life originated on this planet nearly 3.8 billion years ago. The existence of life on other planets may be similarly identified by geochemical biomarkers, including the oxygen isotope ratio of phosphate (δ 18 O p ) presented here. At low near-surface temperatures, the exchange of oxygen isotopes between phosphate and water requires enzymatic catalysis. Because enzymes are indicative of cellular activity, the demonstration of enzyme-catalyzed PO 4 –H 2 O exchange is indicative of the presence of life. Results of laboratory experiments are presented that clearly show that δ 18 O P values of inorganic phosphate can be used to detect enzymatic activity and microbial metabolism of phosphate. Applications of δ 18 O p as a biomarker are presented for two Earth environments relevant to the search for extraterrestrial life: a shallow groundwater reservoir and a marine hydrothermal vent system. With the development of in situ analytical techniques and future planned sample return strategies, δ 18 O p may provide an important biosignature of the presence of life in extraterrestrial systems such as that on Mars.