Absolute transition probabilities inSm151

Lifetime measurements of the excited states of Sm151 were carried out by delayed coincidence measurements between the β spectrum of Pm151 and the conversion lines that deexcite the levels in the self-comparison method, using a double-lens coincidence spectrometer. The mean lifetimes of the 344.9 keV and the 445.7 keV levels were determined as τ=13.4±3 psec and 28.9 ± 4 psec, respectively. The spins of four states were determined from angular correlation measurements carried out for four cascades that deexcite the 344.9 keV state, utilizing two Ge(Li) detectors. The 27 B(E1) and B(M1) reduced transition probabilities deduced from the present work and from previous investigations were compared with the predictions of the Nilsson model.