Relativistic wave equations in momentum space

Relativistic equal-time wave equations obtained from field theory which describe bound states of N Dirac particles inevitably involve Casimir-type positive-energy projection operators Λ+(i). For N>2, these operators are vital if the equations are to admit normalizable solutions. Such equations, which are of integro-differential form, have been used in the past to obtain relativistic corrections to, e.g., level shifts for a variety of simple atomic systems, and to provide a theoretical basis for the Dirac-Hartree-Fock type of equations for many-electron atoms. Here we initiate a study of such equations without making an expansion in powers of vc. We work in momentum space, where the free-particle projection operators are simple functions of p and the wave equation is essentially no more complicated than in the nonrelativistic case. In the present paper we describe techniques for finding the eigenvalues of h+(1,2)=hD(1)+hD(2)+Λ++VΛ++, where hD(i) is the free-particle Dirac Hamiltonian and V is a local potential with a |r1r2|1 singularity. Numerical results are presented for the case of a pure Coulomb potential and a Coulomb-plus-Breit potential, for a wide range of mass ratios m1m2 and coupling strength e1e24π. In the m2= limit, comparison is made with the Dirac equation. The results are used to discuss the magnitude of level shifts associated with virtual-pair production in such two-body systems.

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