Calculation for the charge-transfer effect of La compounds in the3d1core-hole state

We calculate the electronic structures of La halides and oxides from a first-principles calculation by the spin-unrestricted DV-Xα molecular-orbital method of model clusters. The model clusters we use are [LaO6]9, [LaF6]3, [LaCl6]3, and [LaBr6]3, as model clusters of La2O3, LaF3, LaCl3, and LaBr3, respectively. The electronic structures of these clusters are calculated for the ground state and the 3d1 core-hole states. The 3d1 core-hole states can be regarded as the final states of La 3d x-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS), and the creation of 3d1 core-hole states induces the charge-transfer effect. It is found from these calculations that, due to the charge-transfer effect, the numbers of unpaired 4f electrons in the 3d1 core-hole states of [LaCl6]3, [LaBr6]3, [LaF6]3, and [LaO6]9 increase by 1.10, 1.15, 0.37, and 0.58, respectively, from the ground state. From this result, it is found that charge-transfer effect ordering is [LaBr6]3=[LaCl6]3>[LaO6]9>[LaF6]3. La3d XPS of La halides and oxides was reported [S. Suzuki, T. Ishii, and T. Sagawa, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 37, 1334 (1974); J. C. Fuggle et...