The altered vernalization response of normal ''Chinese Spring'' caused by the 3 individually-substituted chromosomes of homoeologous group 5 of ''Hope'' in ''Chinese Spring'' was found to be controlled by a single gene on each chromosome. The alleles on chromosomes 5A and 5B of ''Hope'' are dominant to those on their respective homologues in ''Chinese Spring'' for lowered vernalization response, while that on ''Hope'' 5D is dominant to that on ''Chinese Spring'' 5D for increased vernalization response. The possibility was discussed of the vernalization response locus on ''Hope'' 5D bearing a null allele or an allele with very little involvement in the vernalization process, in which case the strong vernalization response exhibited by ''Chinese Spring''/''Hope'' 5D could merely be a function of genes promoting vernalization response in the rest of the ''Chinese Spring'' genotype.