Short-term, perceptual-recognition memory for tachistoscopically presented nonsense forms.

A display consisting of triangular arrangements of 3 Vanderplas and Garvin nonsense forms was tachistoscopically presented. In the center of the triangle a 4th form (cue) occurred which was identical to 1 of the 3, and S indicated which of the 3 was identical to the cue. Two sequences of presentation were used: cue occurred 1st followed at delays of 10-700 msec. by the 3 alternatives; alternatives occurred 1st followed by the cue. There were 2 conditions; 1 where the adapting and delay fields of the tachistoscope were dark, and the other where they were illuminated. 36 Ss were run. For dark-adapting and delay fields impairement in recognition was obtained at delays under 100 msec, for both sequences. A marked superiority of the cue followed by alternatives sequence was found in both conditions. This result was shown to be consistent with findings of other studies on short-term memory.

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