Effect of peening on structure and volume in a liquid-quenchedPd0.835Si0.165glass

The radial distribution function (RDF) for x-ray diffraction has been studied for liquid-quenched Pd0.835 Si0.165 alloy glasses in relation to peening time. The molar volume (V) is obtained from the first peak of the RDF. The longer the peening time, the larger the V (cm3/mol) becomes. Based on the rate process, we show a linear relationship between V and the peening time (t, expressed in s): [(Vs-V)/(Vs-V0)]=1-exp(-kt)n. Here n and k are constants. Vs and V0 are the volumes of liquid-quenched Pd0.835 Si0.165 alloy glasses, which are peened for an extremely long period and for 0 s, respectively. Vs agrees with the extrapolated volume of the Pd0.835 Si0.165 alloy liquid above the melting point.