Uncovering a Supernova Remnant Hidden Near LMCX-1

In a kinematic study of LMC hii regions, we serendipitously found a fast-expanding (velocity offsets up to ~200 kms) shell in the northern lobe of the luminous hii region N159. The expansion pattern and the sii/ha ratio of the shell are consistent with those seen in supernova remnants (SNRs). Confirmation of this SNR candidate in radio and X-ray wavelengths has been hampered by thermal emission of the luminous hii region N159 itself and scattered X-rays from the nearby luminous source LMC X-1. Recent {ROSAT} observations finally resolved N159 from LMC X-1, thus confirming the identification of this as a newly identified SNR, which we designate as SNR 0540-697.

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