We investigate the predictions of the quark-parton model for hadronic charge ratios in the current-fragmentation region in inclusive lepton-induced reactions. We use parton distribution functions given by McElhaney and Tuan from fits to single-arm inelastic electron scattering data, and we obtain relative parton fragmentation functions from a fit to the π+π ratio in electroproduction from a proton target. The electroproduced π+π ratio from a neutron target is predicted to be ≳ 1.2 at moderate ω and ω, providing a dramatic test of the model. The model gives a neutrino-(antineutrino-) produced π+π (ππ+) ratio of 3.0 ± 0.6 from any target. Also the ratio of charged to neutral K production in e+e annihilation should be 1.38 ± 0.10.