Cellular Fatty Acid Composition Comparisons of Haemophilus equigenitalis and Moraxella Species

The cellular fatty acid compositions of Haemophilus equigenitalis and some other species were compared. The cellular fatty acid composition of H. equigenitalis was very similar to the cellular fatty acid compositions of Moraxella species. When the double bond positions in monounsaturated fatty acids were determined by a gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of ditrimethylsilyloxy derivatives, Moraxella species were divided into two groups, the oleic acid group and the cis-vaccenic acid group. The former included eight species (Moraxella atlantae, Moraxella bovis, Moraxella caviae, Moraxella equi, Moraxella lacunata, Moraxella nonliquefaciens, Moraxella osloensis, and Moraxella phenylpyruvica), and the latter included Moraxella catarrhalis, Moraxella ovis, and Moraxella urethralis. H. equigenitalis was closely related to the cis-vaccenic acid group.