The influence of the Pt buffer layer on the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in epitaxial FePd(001) ordered alloys grown by sputtering

Single-crystalline FePd(001) 1000-Å-thick films were grown at 500 °C by codeposition in an UHV sputtering system. It is found that both the crystalline structure and therefore the magnetic properties strongly depend on the Pt buffer layer thickness. The films grown on Pt(100) layers 50 Å thick and thinner do not exhibit clear chemical order and show in-plane magnetic anisotropy. FePd grown on thicker Pt buffers adopts a fct structure accompanied by a strong chemical ordering, leading to a perpendicular magnetic anisotropy.This work was performed under the project ‘‘Nanoestructuras\ud Artificiales Magne´ticas: sus propiedades y aplicaciones,’’\ud supported by the Spanish Comission of Science and\ud Technology. One of the authors ~A.C.! was supported by a\ud contract under the program ‘‘Acciones para la incorporacio´n\ud de doctores y tecno´logos’’ ~MEC! through the University\ud Auto´noma de Madrid.Peer reviewe