EXCHANGE AND CRYSTALLINE FIELD IN METALLIC COMPOUNDS.Coexistence of superconductivity and long range magnetic order

The recent discovery of the superconducting compounds of the type (RE)Mo6X8 (X = S, Se) and (RE)Rh4B4 (RE = rare earth) offers unique possibility to study the problem of coexistence of superconductivity and magnetism since they contain a regular lattice of RE-ions. In HoMo6S8 and ErRh4B4 superconductivity is destroyed at the onset of a long range ferromagnetic order. In several other (RE)Mo6X8 compounds one finds antiferromagnetic order and the superconducting state remains below the magnetic transition. An analysis of Hc2 data shows that in the (RE)Mo6S8 compounds an anomalous increase of the pairbreaking occurs below the magnetic transition

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