The strength characteristics of internal and external rotator muscles in professional baseball pitchers

The purpose of this study was to establish a data base regarding the isokinetic muscular performance charac teristics of the external/internal rotator muscles of professional baseball pitchers. One hundred fifty healthy professional baseball pitchers were evaluated by use of a Biodex isokinetic dynamometer. The sub jects tested had a mean age of 23.4 years and a mean body weight of 199 pounds. Isokinetic tests were per formed concentrically at 180 and 300 deg/sec for both the throwing and nonthrowing shoulders. Testing pro cedures regarding positioning and stabilization followed established guidelines. The testing protocol and actual test repetitions were standardized for each subject. Statistical analysis was performed using the Pearson Product Moment Correlation and paired t-tests. Deter mination of the correlation coefficient was made at the P < 0.05 level of significance. Test results for bilateral comparison of mean peak torque for the throwing and nonthrowing shoulders indicated no statistically significant difference between the internal rotators at both test speeds, or for the external rotators at 300 deg/sec. There was a signifi cant statistical difference at the 180 deg/sec test speed for the external rotators. The external/internal rotator strength ratio indicated a 65% ratio at 180 deg/sec and a 61 % ratio at 300 deg/sec. Data were also collected for mean peak torque/body weight ratios of the throw ing shoulder to establish a data base in professional throwers. This study offers clinical relevance in establishing a muscle performance profile for the professional thrower. This data base can therefore be used as criteria that should be met before an injured pitcher can be returned to throwing at the professional baseball level.