Kaonic Annihilations of Antiprotons in Hydrogen at7 BeVc

Results are reported from an analysis of 80 000 pictures of 6.935BeVc antiprotons in hydrogen leading to final states of the form K10+K10+mπ, m=0,1,2. Assuming equal probability for the various KK¯ charged states, we find the cross section for the reaction p¯+pK+K¯+mπ to be 2.5±0.5 mb. A compilation of annihilation cross sections indicates that the kaonic-annihilation final states constitute approximately 10% of all annihilations from 1.67 BeVc. The production of K*(1400) has been observed, although the formation of other resonances such as K*(890), ω, and ρ is less copious at 7 BeVc than at 3.7 BeVc. A K10K10 enhancement near threshold is observed similar to that observed at lower-energy annihilation reactions.