Photocontrol of Anthocyanin Formation in Turnip and Red Cabbage Seedlings.

Action spectra were measured for anthocyanin synthesis in 3-day-old seedlings of Red Acre red cabbage, Brassica oleracea, and Purple Top White Globe turnip, Brassica rapa. A single photoreceptive pigment is present in the red cabbage seedlings leading to action maxima at 6900 A and near 4500 A. The receptor is possibly a flavoprotein similar to the butyryl coenzyme A dehydrogenase enzyme of liver mitochondria, and it possibly contains copper. Action maxima for anthocyanin synthesis in turnip seedlings were found near 7250 A, 6200 A, and 4500 A. The action spectrum in the region of 6200 to 7200 A suggests that energy of activation is transferred between 2 photoreceptors. A speculation is advanced that a similar quenching of photosynthesis takes place in the plastid in the region of 6750 to 7000 A, accounting for the decreased action in this region as observed by others.