Desperately Seeking Non-Standard Phases via Direct CP Violation in $b\to sg^\ast$ Process

Attributing the recent CLEO discovery of $B \to \eta' + X_s$ to originate (primarily) from the fragmentation of an off-shell gluon ($g^*$) via $b \to s + g^*$, $g^* \to g + \eta'$, we emphasize that many such states ($X_g$) should materialize. Indeed the hadronic fragments ($X_g$) of $g^*$ states are closely related to those seen in $\psi \to \gamma (\phi, \omega) + X_g$. A particular final state of considerable interest is $X_g=K^+K^-$. Signals from such states in $B$ decays can be combined to provide a very sensitive search for CP violating phase(s) from non-standard physics. The method should work even if the contribution of these source(s) to the rates is rather small ($\sim10%$) to the point that a comparison between theory and experiment may find it extremely difficult to reveal the presence of such a new physics.

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