Neurosurgical intervention in penetrating spinal trauma with associated visceral injury

Associated injuries to the neck, chest, or abdomen are found in approximately one-quarter of all civilians with penetrating spinal cord or cauda equina injuries. While the value of and indications for general surgical exploration and repair of these injuries are fairly self-evident, the value of neurosurgical intervention in terms of neurological outcome and infection prophylaxis remains the subject of debate. To study this issue, 160 civilian patients with penetrating spinal injuries and neurological deficits were retrospectively reviewed. Associated injuries of the esophagus, trachea, bronchi, or bowel were seen in 107 individuals (67%); 33 (31%) of these patients had abdominal injuries, 25 (23%) had neck injuries, 23 (21%) had thoracic injuries, and 26 (24%) had injuries occurring at multiple sites. Of these 107 patients, 67 (63%) had complete neurological injuries and the remaining 40 (37%) demonstrated incomplete deficits. All 107 patients underwent surgical exploration and repair of their visceral injuries; in 19 of them a neurosurgical procedure was also performed for decompression of the neural elements and/or debridement of the wound. Regardless of the presence of associated visceral injuries, the mechanism of injury, and the extent of the neurological deficit, no statistically significant difference in neurological outcome was found in patients with or without neurosurgical intervention. Complications associated with neurological injury were reported in 17 (11%) of the total group of 160 patients. Four (21%) of the 19 patients who had neurosurgical intervention suffered a related complication, compared to only six (7%) of the 88 patients who were managed conservatively (p less than 0.05). Within the limitations of a retrospective review, the results of this study do not clearly support the value of routine neurosurgical intervention as an adjunct to general surgical repair in cases of spinal injury associated with penetrating visceral trauma.