Partly luteinized theca cell tumor of the ovary

The partly luteinized theca cell tumor is a variant of the theca cell tumor in which extensive foci of luteinization occur. This neoplasm belongs to a set of tumors, which includes the theca cell tumor, that is believed to be derived from mature ovarian stroma. This tumor can be classified as a tumor of specialized gonadal stroma of “ovarian cell type” intermediate between the theca cell tumor and the stromal luteoma. Two patients were virilized, and one had evidence of endometrial hyperplasia, whereas in the fourth no endocrine function was evident. None of the patients were pregnant at the time of discovery of the tumor. On gross examination these tumors consisted of a mixture of firm gray-white and yellow tissue. The presence of multiple yellow nodules in two tumors distinguished it from the usual theca cell tumor. A third tumor was distinctly lobulated. The tumor in only one of the cases arose in a background of ovarian stromal hyperplasia. Although the number of cases reported up to now is small and variability exists, the tumors tend to occur in patients in the early reproductive age group, often produce significant quantities of steroid hormones, and the clinical course has been benign.