Lower critical fields, critical currents, and flux creep inPb2Sr2R1−xCaxCu3O8+y(R=Y,Dy) single crystals

The lower critical field Hc1(T), temperature and field dependences of the critical current jc(T,H), and the normalized magnetization relaxation rate d(lnM)/d(lnt) have been studied for two orientations of the magnetic field H∥c and H⊥c in Pb2 Sr2 R1x Cax Cu3 O8+y (R=Y,Dy) single crystals having practically a cubic shape with characteristic dimensions 0.6×0.6×0.5 mm3. Hc1(T) shows for H∥c a positive curvature with decreasing temperature without the usual low-temperature saturation found for the H⊥c orientation. This anomalous Hc1c(T) behavior is related to the modification of the character of the field penetration in a layered structure consisting of a stack of superconducting and nonsuperconducting planes. The temperature dependence of the normalized relaxation rate S=d(lnM)/d(lnt) shows a maximum at temperatures where the largest anisotropy of the critical currents is observed.