Round J. I. (1972) Regional input-output models in the U.K.: A re-appraisal of some techniques, Reg. Studies 6, 1–9. Three aspects of regional input-output models are examined. First, the use of the Leontief system unadjusted for the particular needs of regional planning is examined. In particular, the difficulty of deriving meaningful final output projections for the region is discussed. Secondly, the results obtained in a recent paper by Hewings (Reg. Studies 5, 11–22), using badly derived estimates of final output are shown to yield serious errors in his results. Some tractable improvements to his techniques are offered. Thirdly, the model produced for Wales (Nevin, Roe and Round, The Structure of the Welsh Economy, University of Wales Press, 1966), is set alongside and shown to be similar in type to the non-survey techniques employed by him and, also, it is shown to have decided advantages.