A Genetic Algorithm Approach to Multiple-Response Optimization

Many designed experiments require the simultaneous optimization of multiple responses. A common approach is to use a desirability function combined with an optimization algorithm to find the most desirable settings of the controllable factors. However, as the problem grows even moderately in either the number of factors or the number of responses, conventional optimization algorithms can fail to find the global optimum. An alternative approach is to use a heuristic search procedure such as a genetic algorithm (GA). This paper proposes and develops a multiple-response solution technique using a GA in conjunction with an unconstrained desirability function. The GA requires that several parameters be determined in order for the algorithm to operate effectively. We perform a robust designed experiment in order to tune the genetic algorithm to perform well regardless of the complexity of the multiple-response optimization problem. The performance of the proposed GA method is evaluated and compared with the performance of the method that combines the desirability with the generalized reduced gradient (GRG) optimization. The evaluation shows that only the proposed GA approach consistently and effectively solves multiple-response problems of varying complexity.