The n-locus two-allele symmetric viability model is considered in terms of the parameters measuring the additive epistasis in fitness. The dynamics is analysed using a simple linear transformation of the gametic frequencies, and then the recurrence equations depend on the epistatic parameters and Geiringer's recombination distribution only. The model exhibits an equilibrium, the central equilibrium, where the 2 n gametes are equally frequent. The transformation simplifies the stability analysis of the central point, and provides the stability conditions in terms of the existence conditions of other equilibria. For total negative epistasis (all epistatic parameters are negative) the central point is stable for all recombination distributions. For free recombination either a central point (segregating one, two, ... or n loci) or the n-locus fixation states are stable. For no recombination and some epistatic parameters positive the central point is unstable and several boundary equilibria may be locally stable. The sign structure of the additive epistasis is therefore an important determinant of the dynamics of the n-locus symmetric viability model. The non-symmetric multiple locus models previously analysed are dynamically related, and they all have an epistatic sign structure that resembles that of the multiplicative viability model. A non-symmetric model with total negative epistasis which share dynamical properties with the similar symmetric model is suggested.