Charginos and Neutralinos in the Light of Radiative Corrections: Sealing the Fate of Higgsino Dark Matter

We analyze the LEP constraints from searches for charginos $\chi^{\pm}$ and neutralinos $\chi_i$, taking into account radiative corrections to the relations between their masses and the underlying Higgs-mixing and gaugino-mass parameters $\mu, m_{1/2}$ and the trilinear mass parameter $A_t$. Whilst radiative corrections do not alter the excluded domain in $m_{\chi^{\pm}}$ as a function of $m_{\chi^{\pm}} - m_{\chi}$, its mapping into the $\mu, m_{1/2}$ plane is altered. We update our previous lower limits on the mass of gaugino dark matter and on tan$\beta$, the ratio of Higgs vacuum expectation values, in the light of the latest LEP data and these radiative corrections. We also discuss the viability of Higgsino dark matter, incorporating co-annihilation effects into the calculation of the Higgsino relic abundance. We find that Higgsino dark matter is viable for only a very limited range of $\mu$ and $m_{1/2}$, which will be explored completely by upcoming LEP runs.

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