SOLAR dermatitis may be defined as an acute or chronic inflammatory reaction of the skin to sunlight. It is characterized by an eruption consisting of pruriginous plaquelike, erythematous, urticarial, papular and vesicular lesions, occurring usually on exposed areas. The lesions undergo exacerbations during the summer, but winter remissions are common. In regions such as Texas, where winters are short, patients may experience no winter remissions. In seasons when snow remains on the ground for some time the reflected light evokes exacerbations. As would be expected, the patients are for the most part outdoor workers, such as farmers, engineers, surveyors, postmen, oil field workers and stockmen. In many persons who drive a car constantly in their work the eruption is often limited to the left side of the face and neck. In the indoor workers, the use of fluorescent lighting has been thought to provoke the eruption as well