Diffusion-controlled cluster formation has been simulated on lattices of dimensionality 2-6. For the case of a sticking probability of 1.0 at nearest-neighbor sites, we find that the radius of gyration (Rg) of the cluster is related to the number of particles (N) by RgNβ (for large N). The exponent β is given by β65d, where d is the classical (Euclidean) dimensionality of the lattice. These results indicate that the Hausdorff (fractal) dimensionality (D) is related to the Euclidean dimensionality (d) by D5d6 (d=26). Similar results can be obtained from the density-density correlation function in two-dimensional simulations. Nonlattice simulations have also been carried out in two- and three-dimensional space. The radius-of-gyration exponents (β) obtained from these simulations are essentially equal to those obtained in the lattice model simulations. We have also investigated the effects of sticking probabilities (S) less than 1.0 on diffusion-limited cluster formation on two- and three-dimensional lattices. While smaller sticking probabilities do lead to the formation of denser clusters, the radius-of-gyration exponents are insensitive to sticking coefficients over the range 0.1S1.0.

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