Chorea in patients with AIDS

To describe differing etiologies and possible anatomoclinical correlates of choreic movements in a series of AIDS patients. We analyzed the clinical records and neuroimaging data of 5 consecutive AIDS patients who developed choreic movements at our center from January, 1994 to December, 1996. There were 2 cases of focal choreic dyskinesias, 1 of right hemichorea, and 2 of generalized chorea. Onset was acute and febrile in 1 case, and subacute in the other 4. In 1 patient the chorea was the AIDS onset symptom; in another choreic movements were the first neurological symptom following AIDS diagnosis; in 2 patients AIDS had a neurological onset other than chorea; and in the fifth patient buccofacial dyskinesias appeared following the development of bacterial encephalitis. Chorea was associated with cerebral toxoplasmosis in 2 patients, progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in 1, subacute HIV encephalopathy in another, and was probably iatrogenic in the last. Chorea is not unusual in AIDS, however the causes are variable and careful neuroradiological and clinical evaluation is required to identify them. AIDS-related disease should be considered in young patients presenting with chorea without a family history of movement disorders.