Intraoperative evoked potentials recorded in man directly from dorsal roots and spinal cord

✓ Direct spinal cord surface recordings of evoked spinal cord potentials have been made in 26 patients during neurosurgical procedures for intractable pain. Monopolar recordings at the dorsal root entry zone after peripheral nerve stimulation have been made at multiple levels for segmental localization and to monitor the state of the afferent path and dorsal horn. Dorsal root and dorsal column conduction has been tested on diseased and intact sides. Normal afferent conduction velocity was found to have an overall mean of 61.33 m/sec for cervicothoracic and lumbosacral peripheral nerves, and 50 m/sec for the dorsal columns. The normal mean amplitude for the slow negative wave (N1) recorded at the root entry was 52.54 µV, while that for the dorsal column conducted response recorded within 4 cm of the stimulus point on the dorsal columns was 347.5 µV. Several different placements of stimulating and recording electrodes are described, as well as their application. An interpretation of the resulting data is proposed.