Six males of the grasshopper Chorthippus binotatus were mosaic for the presence of extra (E) chromosomes in the germ line, but lacked them in the somatic cells of gastric caeca. E chromosomes were very similar to the X chromosome in size and meiotic properties (heteropycnosis and autopairing). X and E chromosomes associated frequently at diplotene, but the associations never persisted until metaphase I, which indicated that they were not chiasmate. When one E was present, X and E univalents segregated preferentially to opposite poles. In cells with two E, they formed a bivalent in almost all cells, and decreased the frequency of X–E associations by 20%. These cells showed a high frequency of nondisjunction between the two E chromosomes, such that they segregated independently despite the high persistence of their association at metaphase I. These results are interpreted and discussed in the light of the distributive pairing model.Key words: distributive pairing, X chromosome, E chromosome, Chorthippus, male meiosis.