Sulfated glycoproteins and extracellular matrix of cultured human pulmonary endothelial cells

Endothelial cells derived from human pulmonary arteries incorporate (3H)-glucosamine and 35SO4 into glycosaminoglycans and into the carbohydrate side chains of glycoproteins. These 3H/35S-carbohydrate chains were isolated from cells and culture medium after Pronase digestion. The 3H/35S-glycosaminoglycans were separated from the 3H/35S glycopeptides by chromatography on Sephadex G-50. The distribution of cellular glycosaminoglycans and glycopeptides indicated that 30–60% of the cellular 35S-glycopeptides may be associated with the matrix components that are synthesized by the cell and attached to a plastic substratum. Human pulmonary arterial endothelial cells were grown on collagen or on a matrix derived from vascular smooth muscle cells in order to investigate how smooth muscle cell extracellular matrix components may regulate the synthesis of endothelial cell glycoconjugates. Endothelial cells grown on plastic release various proportions of the glycoconjugates they synthesize into the culture medium. However, these same cells, when grown on substratum composed of extracellular matrix materials, synthesized altered proportions of cell-associated glycosaminoglycans and reduced the levels of total glycosaminoglycans they released into the culture medium. Thus the growth of endothelial cells on a matrix of smooth muscle cell components indicates that the glycosaminoglycan materials released into the culture medium by cells grown on a plastic substratum may not be an accurate reflection of the levels or composition of extracellular matrix materials made by endothelial cells in vivo.