Six of 17 pemphigus patients (35%) treated during a 6-yr period with immunosuppressive agents and/or corticosteroids had prolonged clinical and immunologic remissions off all therapy. All were treated until serum and tissue bound pemphigus antibodies [Ab] could no longer be detected. The length of remission ranged from 1 1/2 yr-4 yr. Of these 6 patients, 3 relapsed after being clinically and serologically free of pemphigus for 19, 20 and 48 mo. Seven additional patients were clinically free of disease with insignificant pemphigus Ab titers of 10 or less. Therapy now is being discontinued gradually in these patients. A large percentage of pemphigus patients may have a prolonged clinical and immunological remission after successful therapy. Maintenance therapy may not be required to preserve the remission. Monitoring serum and in vivo bound pemphigus Ab is of value in regulating therapy in pemphigus patients.