Alterations in creatine kinase in fresh muscle and cell cultures in duchenne dystrophy

Creatine kinase (CK) (total and isoenzymes) was measured in cultures obtained by dissociation and subsequent plating of cells from biopsied quadriceps muscle of 10 patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) and 20 controls. The total cellular CK and CK‐MM reached highest values around 21 days in both DMD and control cultures, suggesting that DMD cultures do not show delayed myoblast fusion. There was a significant decrease of total cellular CK in DMD cultures at all stages, but the maximum differences were noted for the peak values. The CK isoenzyme pattern in DMD cultures demonstrated a higher percentage of CK‐BB and CK‐MB and a lower percentage of CK‐MM than was observed in cultures from the controls. Addition of cytosine arabinoside after myoblast fusion to muscle cell cultures did not induce significant changes of CK isoenzyme pattern. There was no difference in the CK levels in culture medium from controls and DMD patients. The alterations of cellular CK were similar in fresh muscle and cell cultures from DMD patients.