An exact expression for the three-particle direct correlation function, c3, of a general fluid is derived. Exact expressions for the three-particle total correlation function, h3, &, &, and δh2ρ1 are also found. The first terms of the black ρ1-circle, h2-bonds expansion of c3 and δh2ρ1 are explicitly evaluated and, in particular, it is found that the leading term of the c3 expansion is c3=i,j=1;i<j3 h2(i,j). The behavior of this term is discussed for several configurations of a Lennard-Jones fluid in the neighborhood of the triple point. A comparatively more complex structure than that of c2 is found. The correction terms are analyzed and it is found that they are small but not negligible: they tend to enhance the excluded-volume effect due to the strong repulsion of the potential. A scheme to obtain the higher-order direct correlation functions is also outlined. The relevance of these results to the modified hypernetted-chain approximation and to the theory of inhomogeneous fluids is briefly discussed.