Inhibitors of Repair of Potentially Lethal Damage and DNA Polymerases Also Influence the Recovery of Potentially Neoplastic Transforming Damage in C3H10T-1/2 Cells

The effects of aphidicolin and .beta. Ara A on radiation sensitivity were evaluated in terms of cell killing, recovery, and neoplastic transformation in the C3H10T-1/2 cell system. When cells were held in plateau phase, recovery of potentially lethal damage (PLD) and potentially transforming damage (PTD) occurred. The addition of .beta. Ara A resulted in reduced PLD recovery for both the survival and neoplastic transformation end points. The addition of aphidicolin did not affect recovery of PLD or PTD. These data show that the inhibition of polymerase .alpha. by aphidicolin does not affect recovery of damage leading to cell death or neoplastic transformation. However, the inhibition of both polymerase .alpha. and .beta. by .beta. Ara A resulted in inhibition of recovery of damage leading to both cell death and neopalstic transformation. These data indicated that polymerase .beta. may be involved in both PLD and PTD recovery.