Type theories and object-oriented programmimg

Object-oriented programming is becoming a popular approach to the construction of complex software systems. Benefits of object orientation include support for modular design, code sharing, and extensibility. In order to make the most of these advantages, a type theory for objects and their interactions should be developed to aid checking and controlled derivation of programs and to support early binding of code bodies for efficiency. As a step in this direction, this paper surveys a number of existing type theories and examines the manner and extent to which these theories are able to represent the ideas found in object-oriented programming. Of primary interest are the models provided by type theories for abstract data types and inheritance, and the major portion of this paper is devoted to these topics. Code fragments illustrative of the various approaches are provided and discussed. The introduction provides an overview of object-oriented programming and types in programming languages; the summary provides a comparative evaluation of the reviewed typing systems, along with suggestions for future work.

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