The publication of a structure for the peripheral light-harvesting complex of a purple photosynthetic bacterium (McDermott et al. (1995), Nature 374: 517–521) provides a framework within which we can begin to understand various functional aspects of these complexes, in particular the relationship between the structure and the red-shift of the bacteriochlorophyll Qy transition. In this article we describe calculations of some of the spectral properties expected for an array of chromophores with the observed geometry. We report the stability of the calculated absorption spectrum to minor structural alterations, and deduce that the observed red shift of the 850 nm Qy transition in the B800–850 antenna complexes is about equally attributable to chromophore-chromophore and chromophore-protein interactions, while chromophore-chromophore interactions predominate in generating the red-shift of the 820 nm Qy transition in B800–820 type peripheral liggt-harvesting complexes. Finally we suggest that the red shift in the absorbance of the monomeric Bchl a found in antenna complexes to 800 nm, from 770 nm as observed in most solvents, is largely attributable to a hydrogen bond with the 2-acetyl group of this chromophore.