Risk Factors that may Influence Development of Side Effects of Gold Sodium Thiomalate

Two hundred and seventy-seven patients who had received gold sodium thiomalate (GST), were included in a retrospective study to identify those factors that might have influenced the development of side effects. Fifty-one per cent of patients were excluded due to side effects, especially skin rash, which affected 59% of those excluded. The duration of disease when GST therapy was commenced, female sex, and a history of smoking were identified as factors influencing the development of certain side effects. There was a high incidence of skin rash in smokers. Of 99 smokers, 40% developed dermatitis, whereas in 109 non-smokers, only 17% developed a rash (p< 0.001). Other factors such as age, weight, and concurrent drug therapy, biochemical, haematological and immunological data, do not predict development of toxicity to GST.