Differentiation of trophoblast of the baboon blastocyst

The structure of trophoblast of the baboon blastocyst undergoes a number of maturational changes from the early blastocyst to the late blastocyst stage. The striking expansion of the blastocyst that occurs during the preimplan tation period is accompanied by the development of an extensive endocytic apparatus. Cationized ferritin labels coated depressions and vesicles near the apical cell surface, numerous uncoated tubules and larger apical vesicles, and multivesicular bodies within trophoblast cells. Basally and laterally the labeled components are primarily small uncoated vesicles and tubules. Small, discrete clusters of ferritin particles were seen within the basolateral compartment between trophoblast and its basal lamina and beneath trophoblast cells that do not have a basal lamina. The results indicate that ingested materials may be directed in two pathways, one involving breakdown within the lysosomal system and one involving transcytosis. The zona pellucida is a trilaminar structure consisting of a fibrillar outer layer that often contains spermatozoa, an intermediate zone, and an inner layer containing columns of dense zonal material. Loss of the zona occurs after expansion of the blastocyst and development of the endocytic organelles. During the late blastocyst stage, syncytial trophoblast differentiates at the margin of the polar trophoblast. Because blastocysts were flushed from the uterus, it could not be determined whether azonal blastocysts had been adherent to the uterine surface prior to collection.