rolA locus of the Ri plasmid directs developmental abnormalities in transgenic tobacco plants.

Plants containing the left T-DNA (TL) of Agrobacterium rhizogenes show a variety of developmental abnormalities that include severely wrinkled leaves, loss of apical dominance, reduced geotropism of roots, reduced internode distances, and floral hyperstyly. The TL-DNA also affects the morphology of tumor tissue at the site of inoculation on Kalanchoe diagremontiana leaves. Single mutations at four loci of the TL-DNA (rolA, rolB, rolC, and rolD) are known to affect tumor morphology on K. diagremontiana leaves. We regenerated plants from tissues transformed with TL-DNA containing mutations in each of the rol loci in order to determine which of the rol loci, if any, control the abnormal plant phenotype. Only plants regenerated after infection with bacteria containing a mutation in rolA locus showed loss of the wrinkled leaf phenotype. The rolA locus was cloned into the plant transformation vector pGA472 and introduced alone into plants. Transgenic plants containing rolA displayed the abnormal phenotype. These results indicate that rolA is the primary determinant of the severely wrinkled phenotype of Ri plasmid transgenic plants. Other rol loci may influence the degree of developmental abnormalities.