Effects of Nitrogen Mustard on Mouse Tissue and Modification by AET

Clinical and pathological effects were investigated in RF/Up mice injected intravenously with a radiomimetic agent, nitrogen mustard, as well as the protection from these effects afforded by a radioprotective agent, AET. The effectiveness of HN2 was reduced about 40 per cent by pre-injection with 9.0 mg of AET per mouse, raising the LD50/30 days from 0.127 to 0.203 mg per mouse. Symptoms of HN2-toxicity were also reduced through the use of AET, as was damage to tissues, especially cerebral, haemopoietic, and gastrointestinal. Recovery began earlier and was more rapid in AET-treated mice. Although the specific cause of death was not ascertained, our results suggested that damage to the central nervous system probably played a significant part.