Since in the rabbit maternal plasma proteins are found in the yolk-sac cavity, and some at least pass into the foetal circulation by way of the vitelline vessels (Brambell et al., 1952), a comparison with two such widely different forms as the hedgehog and ferret was thought to be of interest. The development and structure of the yolk-sacs, and the nature of their contents, in Erinaceus europea and Putorius furo are therefore described below. The hedgehog material was collected in Caernarvonshire during the summers of 1949 and 1950. The first pregnancies were obtained in early May. Some of the hedgehogs and ferrets were killed by ethyl chloride anaesthesia, others by intravenous magnesium chloride. The ferrets were killed at stages of pregnancy between 16 and 21 days; the duration of pregnancy was timed from the commencement of copulation. Ligatures were applied to the uterus at either side of each uterine swelling, and the swellings were then removed.